ΤΗΕ Lymphedema Clinic | Κλινική για το Λεμφοίδημα και το Λιποίδημα


The evolution
in Lymphedema Treatment

Lymphedema and Lipedema Clinic | The Lymphedema Clinic | Thessaloniki, Greece
The Lymphedema Clinic: | Lymphedema and Lipedema Clinic | Thessaloniki, Greece
Lymphedema and Lipedema Clinic | The Lymphedema Clinic | Thessaloniki, Greece


Our Clinic specialized at lymph node transfer. Over the years we have treated more than 200 lymphedema patients and managed to give them a new perspective for life. We treat lymphedema as a curable disease. We know it can be permanently cured and this how we treat our patients. We specialize in lymphedema. We put all of our time and effort to this type of patients and this makes us unique. We love what we do. This is why our success rates on permanently curing lymphedema are so high.
Lymphedema Treatment - Lymphedema and Lymph Node Transfer | The Lymphedema Clinic

Lymphedema & Lymph Node Transfer

LNT is a procedure suitable for almost all lymphedema patients, offering a permanent solution changing completeley the patient’s life…
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Lymphedema & using Collagen scaffolding and Stem cells

New pioneering treatments for supporting lymphatic repair is being introduced that uses BioBridge® Collagen Matrix (Fibralign, Corp.) along with autologous adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs)…
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Lymphedema Treatment - Lymphedema using Collagen scaffolding and Stem cells | The Lymphedema Clinic
Lymphedema Treatment - Lymphedema and Lymphatic Venous Anastomosis (LVA) | The Lymphedema Clinic

Lymphedema & Lymphatic Venous Anastomosis (LVA)

In a simple way, LVA is the “deviation” of the excess lymph of the affected limb through the lymphatic vessels to the vascular system…
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Lymphedema & Liposuction – Liposculpture

In some patients after lymphedema is cured, the limb becomes soft (lipedema) but remains with excess fatty tissue….
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Lymphedema Treatment - Lymphedema and Liposuction - Liposculpture | The Lymphedema Clinic

Diseases we Treat

Lymph Node Transfer

Lymph Node Transfer

Also known as Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer (VLNT) or Autologous Lymph Node Transfer (ALNT) LNT is a procedure suitable for almost all lymphedema patients, offering a permanent solution changing completely the patient’s life….
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Upper Limb Lymphedema

Upper Limb Lymphedema

After axillary lymph node clearance for breast cancer has been performed, 40% of patients may develop permanent upper limb lymphedema.
In cases of an advanced lymphedema the lymph node transfer (LNT) operation can effectively solve the problem and cure the disease…
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Lower Limb Lymphedema

Lower Limb Lymphedema

Lymphedema in lower limb often can occur after extended radical hysterectomy for cancer or melanoma excision of the leg and lymph node clearance, or after radical excision of lower pelvic malignancy with the lymph nodes.
In cases of an advanced lymphedema the lymph node transfer (LNT) operation can effectively solve the problem and cure the disease…
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Congenital Lymphedema

Congenital Lymphedema

In primary cases, lymphedema occurs spontaneously due to an abnormal function or lack of channels of the lymphatic system.
In cases of an advanced lymphedema the lymph node transfer (LNT) operation can effectively solve the problem and cure the disease…
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People ask us

Lymphedema is the swelling of a limb due to the absence or dysfunction of the lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels, and it can be primary (congenital) or secondary. More often lymphedema can occur secondarily, several months or even years after an operation with axillary or inguinal lymph node resection and sometimes additional radiotherapy.

Traditionally lymphoedema was managed conservatively with physiotherapy and bandaging for life long. New promising treatments such as lymphatic system microsurgery have led to a new era in the cure of the lymphatic diseases.

Lymph node transfer (LNT) can also be seen as Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer (VLNT) or Autologous Lymph Node Transfer (ALNT) is the transplantation of 2-3 lymph nodes from a healthy part of the body to the limb which suffers from lymphedema. Immediate, there is a connection between the lymphatic vessels of the affected limb and the healthy part of the body and the lymphedema start to be subsided.

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The idea of lymph node transplantation is to transfer 2-3 lymph nodes from a healthy part of the body to the limb which suffers from lymphedema. Then a phenomenon of “lymphangiogenesis” occurs; which means creation of lymphatic tissue and lymphatic circulation.

Both primary and secondary lymphedema patients can be treated with LNT.

Most patients who experience lymphedema following cancer treatment are potential candidates for lymph node transfer. Both mild and severe or advanced cases have been successfully cured with lymph node transfer. Performing LNT in an early stage of lymphedema will lead to permanent cure of the disease and the limb can return to normal. However, in advanced lymphedema cases or in elephantiasis, the fluid is eventually replaced by fatty tissue which an additional liposuction can be performed.

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